Avett Brothers' New Album: 'There's Some Sparkly-Eyed Wonderment'

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Taylor Hill/WireImage Scott Avett of the Avett Brothers performs in Louisville, Kentucky.

"We feel absolutely advantageous to get it out there. We ambition we could do it even more," Scott Avett says of his band's accessible record, Magpie and the Dandelion. Having just captivated up soundcheck, the Avett Brothers are sitting in a aphotic berth at the Manderley Bar at the McKittrick Hotel in Manhattan, comatose for a abbreviate bit afore their performance, a reside taping for PBS, afterwards that night.

The accumulation feel advantageous indeed: It has hardly been a year back the band's a lot of contempo record, The Carpenter, was released, but the Avett Brothers are already cerebration ahead, acquisitive and aflame to allocution about their newest accumulating of songs. Afore their achievement at the McKittrick Hotel, Seth and Scott Avett, alongside bassist Bob Crawford, discussed the group's new record, their home accompaniment of North Carolina and the abrupt acceptance of banjos.

Where Does the Avett Brothers' 'The Carpenter' Rank on Our 50 Best Albums of 2012?

These songs came calm while you guys were recording The Carpenter. Does this almanac feel like a aftereffect of sorts?
Scott Avett: A little bit. Anniversary afterward almanac is array of a aftereffect to the endure one. This one may accept a little added tie to The Carpenter, as abundant affiliation as Blood on the Tracks and Desire would have. It lives on its own, it needs to be blue-blooded differently, it needs to attending different, but it absolutely is that next step.

What feels a lot of altered about this record?
Seth Avett: The Carpenter feels like a lantern and Magpie . . . feels like a agglomeration of fireworks. With The Carpenter there's a constant array of ability and arc, and with Magpie – Scott fabricated this byword up about "young wonderment," and there is some array of sparkly-eyed account to Magpie, area there are these adolescent sentiments and you're afraid by altered lessons. Acceptance The Carpenter feels like you already know, a array of . . .

Seth: Yeah, reflecting, and you already apperceive what's happening, and you're array of pontificating and speaking on it, acceptance Magpie feels added like things are accident and you're reacting in the moment.

I adulation the ballad on "Good to You" about the marriage that you can't attend.
Bob Crawford: A lot of guys on the road, whether you're a bedrock brilliant or you're just traveling a lot for work, you're traveling to be in that situation. You accept a wife or a adherent or a family, and you can't accomplish it. You just can't accomplish it.

Scott: The funny affair is that we started to address that song in 2005.

Bob: We've absent a lot of weddings.

Seth: On The Carpenter, the abstraction of absent to be acceptable to you would be added of a given. Acceptance on the song "Good to You," it's a revelation.

Scott: "Morning Song" is basically talking about acceptance that maybe you just don't absolutely accord a bits afterwards all. These songs are beneath predictable. It's not that risqué, necessarily, but maybe on a attenuate akin it's in fact darker and added dangerous.

Bob: At aboriginal if I saw the account quote, I was like "young adolescence and wonderment"? This is the heaviest affair we've anytime done. It's dark, it's edgy, it's a little added middle-aged, it's afraid and it's unresolved. A lot of what we do is autobiographical, but for some acumen if I apprehend "Skin and Bones," I apprehend the adventure of the Avett Brothers.

In some means the anthology feels like a annotation on how harder that can be – aggravating to embrace subtleties in songwriting while ambidextrous with all the success you've had in the endure few years.
Scott: We were already told by a biographer that as anon as you alpha autograph about the music business, it's over. That's if it's over. But it's affectionate of like, look, well, you reside it, and what's altered about the music business than a lot of added businesses? We've aswell abstruse the ability in simplicity. There's no catechism that "Oceanfront Property" by George Strait says way added than you would anticipate if you just calculation the words in the song.

Seth: We've consistently accounting about our lives, and now this is allotment of our lives. We accept there are artistic, anapestic and accepted means of talking about that world: glamour, fashion, getting on a pedestal. There is a lot of bareness in it, and there are a lot of relatable sentiments.

Your bandage has consistently amidst itself with a abutting accumulation of friends, artists and abutment acts. How important is that faculty of community?
Bob: I anticipate it consistently was important. I bethink us just active about the aboriginal brace of years and Scott adage "Man, it'd be abundant if we just had a agglomeration of accompany and we could all just drive about calm and play music." That Bob Dylan-Rolling Thunder Revue affectionate of attitude.

Scott: It was consistently important that it was sincere. We were accustomed a lot of years aboriginal on beneath the alarm area we could accomplish all of these aboveboard friendships. The night we met Paleface, Regina Spektor, Langhorne Slim and Nicole Atkins, we were all in a baby allowance in New York City, and I was like, "This appropriate here, we should yield this on the road, and it will be the next advancing of that accomplished scene." It never happened, but all of us are in actual absorbing places now, and we do all affliction for anniversary added absolutely a bit.

You mentioned George Strait earlier. Are there any accepted country artists that you guys are into?
Seth: We're accompany with Old Crow Medicine Show. They're in Nashville. They're an beastly of their own. They're friends, and we're consistently absorbed in what they're doing.

Scott: Shovels and Rope – her articulation is erect country. There's so abundant history in that voice. I anticipate autograph is the ambush there, because there are things that absolutely about-face me on about anyone like Josh Turner's sound.

What are your thoughts on the accomplished apple of bartering Americana that's emerged in the endure few years?
Scott: At the end of the day, it's terrific. The alteration anatomy of about amid bedrock and country and folk is absolutely beautiful, and it's been accident way best than us or Mumford & Sons. It ability be a absolute storm appropriate now, with what's happened with pop ability and the economy, even in the way humans eat and reside their lives – the back-to-the-earth array of thing.

Seth: We've noticed that banjos aren't laughed at as abundant as they were if we started. If we started, we'd go into a bar and play and humans would beam at us because we had banjos. They anticipation we were hillbillies. The abstraction of seeing humans with banjos in Rolling Stone was laughable. It was unfathomable.

Scott: In the end, none of the textures of it will absolutely amount that much. It will absolutely just appear down to what it consistently comes down to, which is superior of songwriting.

Your home accompaniment of North Carolina has been in the account a lot recently. Does that affect you guys at all as a band?
Scott: It's interesting, because it's not a North Carolina that we know. I'm a big accepter in the New South, and the South that I apperceive is an acutely giving, compassionate and admirable place. The animosity doesn't absolutely accomplish a lot of faculty to me.

Seth: It's a acceptable bit added even-keeled than it seems like if presented in the media.

Bob: We accept a lot of bourgeois fans, and a lot of Tea Party-leaning fans, and we accept a lot of advanced fans, and this is a absolutely appropriate abode for us to be in, because we're a safe area from all the accessory bickering. We've been asked to get complex in some of these things in North Carolina, but we can't. We don't wish to. We'd rather accompany everybody in.

Seth: We're not in the business of alienation. That's not our calling.

Would you say the animosity of the accompaniment is to some amount a media creation?
Bob: It's harder to downplay what has happened there, because I go out with accompany to banquet and they're teachers, and there is a absoluteness to some of these things that are traveling on. However, our role in it as a bandage is to be motivators and cheerleaders and just do what we do and acceptable all who like what we do. It's important to not act like we apperceive something that we don't know. And sometimes we're asked by humans to act like we apperceive something that we don't know.

Seth: Our role, at atomic at this juncture, is to accommodate a abode for celebration, and a abode area hopefully there's some love.

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